An Unwavering Dedication to Dharma

A Compassionate Mentor. A Mother Figure. A Wise Master.
Few can take on so many roles with as much grace as Sangyum-la.

Sangyum Namdrol Lhamo (affectionately known as Sangyum-la) has been an inspiration to many followers.
From business to Buddhism, she seamlessly integrates the Buddhadharma with everything she does.
Sangyum-la’s kind benevolence has shone through in the many projects carried out under her leadership.

As they say, the best leaders are great teachers. Through her knowledge, attitude and actions, Sangyum-la teaches us what it really means to follow the Buddhadharma in every aspect of our life.

A Master in Her Own Right

In addition to her responsibilities at Thekchen Choling, Sangyumla is a certified Executive Coach and Life Coach. She also serves as an advisor to her father’s fashion business, holds a degree in Physics, and is well-versed in the art of Fengshui. At home, she is the mother of three gregarious children.




Hidden Benevolence in Action