Grand Auspicious Ullambana Offering/ 盂兰吉祥大供养

According to the Ullambana Sutra, one who makes offering to the noble Sanghas on Buddha‘s Joyful Day can accumulate Vast merits for parents of this life and past seven lifetimes. Offering of meals and daily necessities will be made to more than 150 Venerables from the following temples: Shelkar Cheode Ganden Legshedling (Nepal); Chuwar Gadhen Drophen Ling Monastery (Nepal). Merits will be dedicated in the respective temples for the names received. 佛陀在《盂兰盆经》中说,若人欲报现世与过去七世父母恩情,并累积无量福德,应于佛欢喜日敬供十方大德僧众。 此广大供养包括膳食、日用品等,献予以下寺院逾150位大德: 协格尔寺(尼泊尔); 曲瓦寺(尼泊尔)。回向芳名将交由各寺院祝福祈愿。 截止日期 Closing Date: 12/8/2024, 10am

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